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来源:山东吉祥装饰建材有限公司 时间:2023-12-27 阅读量:1311

Foster + Partners 与 CannonDesign 和 Gilbane Building Company 合作,公布了纽约州罗切斯特市梅奥诊所医疗保健中心的新规划。该项目被命名为 "大胆。前进。无界"。这项计划是一项多年期的战略努力,与梅奥诊所 "治愈、连接和改变全球医疗保健 "的战略相一致。该设计对该机构的园区进行了重新规划,引入了融合护理理念和数字技术的新设施。

Foster + Partners, in collaboration with CannonDesign and Gilbane Building Company, have unveiled the new plans for a Mayo Clinic healthcare vision in Rochester, New York. Named “Bold. Forward. Unbound.” This initiative presents a multiyear strategic endeavor aligned with Mayo Clinic’s strategy to “cure, connect, and transform healthcare globally.” Reimagining the institution’s campus, the design introduces new facilities that merge care concepts and digital technologies.

该计划旨在革新患者护理、推进医疗解决方案并改善医疗成果,力求将数字功能与物理区域顺利结合,以支持临床医生的协作并满足患者不断变化的需求。作为新设计的核心,两座新的临床大楼将取代罗切斯特校园内现有的奥兹蒙综合楼和达蒙斜坡。这两座九层高的塔楼最初高度为 67 米,未来可升至 128 米。

Aiming to revolutionize patient care, advance medical solutions, and improve healthcare outcomes, the initiative seeks to smoothly combine digital capabilities with physical areas in order to support clinician collaboration and meet patients' changing requirements. At the heart of the new design, two new clinical buildings will replace the existing Ozmun complex and Damon Ramp on the Rochester campus. Initially standing at 67m, these nine-story towers have the capacity to rise to 128 m in the future.


The design highlights the new central point of entry, where the north and south drop-offs merge at a single principal entrance. Extending the current Gonda Lobby into the new building, the scheme allows for more seamless wayfinding and fosters a warm welcome. The two new buildings are connected by a skybridge, allowing the interdisciplinary care teams of Mayo Clinic to collaborate more effectively. Additionally, a double-story social amenity level situated above the central entry point offers patients and families a place to unwind, socialize, and rejuvenate.

通过使用天然材料、阳光和连通性,该设计将独特的建筑特征与旨在促进希望和治疗的区域融为一体。梅奥诊所的基本原则是优先考虑患者的需求,在此基础上,梅奥诊所创建了动态的医疗 "社区",优化了患者获得从影像和实验室工作到咨询和治疗等一系列服务的途径。事实上,这些社区围绕患者的需求和特定疾病汇集各种资源,创造了持续的医疗环境,使患者在梅奥诊所接受治疗的同时,就像回到了自己的家。

Through the use of natural materials, sunlight, and connectedness, the design integrates distinctive architectural features and areas meant to foster hope and healing. Informed by the fundamental principle of Mayo Clinic to prioritize the needs of patients, it creates dynamic "neighborhoods" of care that optimize access to a range of patient services, from imaging and lab work to consultations and therapies. In fact, these communities create continuous care environments that serve as patients' homes while they are receiving care at Mayo Clinic by bringing resources together around patient needs and particular illnesses.


At the focal point of these residential care communities lies double-height winter gardens, providing abundant natural light and stunning city views. Moreover, these atriums provide chances for relaxation, recovery, cooperation, and caring, in addition to their functional uses.


With a universal grid and vast floor-to-floor heights, the architecture allows clinical areas to change and grow with the advancement of Mayo Clinic's medical procedures. Care settings with mechanical, data, and robotic delivery systems are underpinned by flexible technical infrastructure that works in the background, enabling cutting-edge therapies while prioritizing human interactions. The distinction between inpatient, outpatient, and virtual care is blurred through seamlessly integrated digital capabilities, helping patients throughout their healthcare journey.

Foster + Partners 最近在沙特阿拉伯阿赛尔地区阿卜哈机场新航站楼的国际设计竞赛中胜出。此外,该工作室还在中国浙江省省会杭州的新中心设计国际竞赛中获胜。该总体规划设想在余杭区中心打造一个绿色、互联的多功能区。最后,土耳其设计委员会(Türkiye Design Council)最近召集了 13 家设计公司,其中包括福斯特+合伙人公司(Foster + Partners)和比亚克-英格尔斯集团(Bjarke Ingels Group),共同为振兴历史悠久的哈塔伊省做出贡献,该地区在今年 2 月的 7.8 级地震中遭到严重破坏。

Foster + Partners has recently won an international competition to design Abha Airport’s new terminal in Saudi Arabia’s Aseer Region. Additionally, the studio has been selected as the winner of an international competition to design a new center for Hangzhou, the capital of China's Zhejiang province. The master plan envisions a green and interconnected mixed-use quarter situated in the heart of the Yuhang District. Finally, The Türkiye Design Council recently gathered 13 design practices, including Foster + Partners and Bjarke Ingels Group, to contribute to revitalizing the historic province of Hatay, an area severely damaged by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in February this year.

Foster + Partners 最近在沙特阿拉伯阿赛尔地区阿卜哈机场新航站楼的国际设计竞赛中胜出。此外,该工作室还在中国浙江省省会杭州的新中心设计国际竞赛中获胜。该总体规划设想在余杭区中心打造一个绿色、互联的多功能区。最后,土耳其设计委员会(Türkiye Design Council)最近召集了 13 家设计公司,其中包括福斯特+合伙人公司(Foster + Partners)和比亚克-英格尔斯集团(Bjarke Ingels Group),共同为振兴历史悠久的哈塔伊省做出贡献,该地区在今年 2 月的 7.8 级地震中遭到严重破坏。

Foster + Partners has recently won an international competition to design Abha Airport’s new terminal in Saudi Arabia’s Aseer Region. Additionally, the studio has been selected as the winner of an international competition to design a new center for Hangzhou, the capital of China's Zhejiang province. The master plan envisions a green and interconnected mixed-use quarter situated in the heart of the Yuhang District. Finally, The Türkiye Design Council recently gathered 13 design practices, including Foster + Partners and Bjarke Ingels Group, to contribute to revitalizing the historic province of Hatay, an area severely damaged by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in February this year.





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